What is the difference between Assisted Living vs. Independent Living Community?

Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsWhat is the difference between Assisted Living vs. Independent Living Community?
1 Answers
SLE Staff answered 4 years ago

Assisted Vs. Independent Living Community

Today I’d like to talk about the difference between assisted living care options and independent living care options. When you’re downsizing and making that transition into assisted living it’s really important to know the different facilities and options that are out there when it comes to your personal level of care and needs. We at Senior Living Experience want to help you make the best-informed choice for you.

Senior Living Community St. Louis, Mo

When we say independent living we’re talking about people who can live independently. People with little to no mobility issues, can cook for themselves if needed, and take care of their own basic health essentials. Living within the community also adds a social benefit. Within assisted living, we have both long-term and short-term. Maybe you just had a medical procedure that requires you to get a little more attention but only for a few weeks or months. But for those who need a little more hands-on with their day-to-day care, and have restrictions when it comes to their daily activities then long-term assisted care might be for you.

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