How to find a suitable Senior Living Community in Saint Louis, MO?

Finding Suitable Senior Living in St. Louis, MO

Finding a Suitable Senior Living Community in St. Louis

Is your loved one having trouble with the basics of day-to-day living and the help of family and loved ones just isn’t cutting it anymore? Is it time to face the fact that 24hr care is necessary? This is a life-changing decision and cannot be taken lightly. It can also be very emotional and overwhelming. Not all senior living communities are created equal so it’s important you do your due diligence and research.

Let’s look at some things you should be considering when doing your research.

Level of Independence

Every senior shows signs of not being able to live alone, this is just part of the aging process. But to what extent will your loved one need assistance? Are they able to get out of bed by themselves? What about using the facilities, or taking their medication? Do they suffer from mental diseases like Dementia or Alzheimers? Each senior living community is different and offers different levels of care and independence.

Medical Conditions

Again, each community is different and offers different levels of care. So if your loved one is suffering from a medical condition like Dementia or Alzheimers or Parkinson’s, is that community able to offer the level of care needed? If the medical condition is a chronic one you might want to consider a nursing home rather than an assisted living facitlity.

Meal Prep

Is your loved one still able to prepare their meals? Then choosing an assisted living community with a kitchenette might be the right fit. Some assisted living communities also give you the option to both cook for yourself and have community meals on those days you just don’t feel like cooking.


Now, this is a big one. Each facility has its own cost and the level of care will also determine that cost. With an assisted living community it averages around $48,000/year, whereas a private room in a nursing home averages around $102,000/year. This is a big cost and is why the majority of our seniors decide to sell their home to help with the costs. With Senior Living Experience, we will not only help you find the perfect senior living community but if you choose we will also help sell your home.


What are your loved one’s desires and wishes? A lot of seniors are very independent and want to remain that way as long as they can, and they want to stay in their own home as long as possible. In these cases assisted living communities are the way to go. They get to continue living independently, being social, and enjoying activities, all while having the assistance they need.

So if your loved one is considering or has decided that it’s time to transition our expert knowledgeable team at Senior Living Experience would love to hear from you to discuss your needs and your options. Each client is different and is treated as such. Each plan of action is specifically geared towards you and your needs and wants. We truly are your one-stop-shop when transitioning into senior living. At Senior Living Experience, you matter!


If you have any questions: CONTACT US NOW!