What is different about Senior Living Experience vs other senior home buyers & house investors?
Senior Downsizing in St. Louis, St. Charles, Jefferson County, and St. Ann. Missouri.
Are you wondering why you should call us versus calling another home buyer or home investor?
Well the answer is pretty simple – Most of the home buyers in the St. Louis area are national companies where they have a local regional office similar to a franchise. Some of these national companies will have multiple franchisees and offices with no limitations on how many offices they can have in one city or neighborhood. So you can imagine the amount of competition among them and then most of the time they will offer you just one cash offer – meaning that they leave you with just one option! Take it or leave it!
When you work with “Senior Living Experience“, we offer multiple home sale options. This means that we will buy your home in an as-is condition, no repairs, no commissions – cash offer via Core Properties, as well as we have a whole real estate brokerage via Core Realty – side of our business that can meet all you regular real estate requirements.
We also have our real estate agents (realtors) that specialize in working with seniors. They are accredited with unique qualification that makes them really helpful when working with senior downsizing in St. Louis, MO. If you are interested to list your home in a more traditional setting where you want us to put your house in the market and put the sign in the front yard – we are here to do that for you!
At Senior Living Experience, we work closely with you to map out the most workable strategy to declutter the items and we can also take care of the items you want to leave behind when moving to Senior Living Care facility in St. Louis.